Vegetable Oil

There are two important concepts to understand when it comes to fat consumption. Having a healthy Omega-3:Omega-6 ratio is important for controlling inflammation in the body and regulating metabolism (1). Also, your brain and the myelin that surrounds your nerves is primarily made of fats.
Consuming highly processed vegetable oils contributes to disease by neglecting both important concepts.
Vegetable oils are very high in omega-6 fats while also being highly damaged during processing. This leaves you with an elevation in inflammation and subpar building materials for your brain and peripheral nervous system!
Be careful here…these are REALLY HARD to avoid all together. Be sure to read labels and if you see anything with corn oi1, soybean oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil and peanut oil than those are vegetable oil culprits.
Many restaurants cook with these and call them “olive oil” when they are really 50% or more corn or canola oil.
When you eat out consider bringing your own oils(homemade salad dressing) and grass fed butter or ghee to make sure you get the right stuff. You are paying for the meal… why not take control of what you can!
Alternative: Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a great source of healthy saturated fat that is safe for cooking up to 350 degrees F which is where it hits its smoke point. Coconut oil has a remarkable stability and along with extra virgin olive oil, butter, ghee and beef tallow handles heat quite well.
Additionally, it provides small amounts of medium chain triglycerides which can be converted onto ketones that have great benefits for your body. These fats also have anti-bacterial and anti-yeast properties that benefit the microbiome.